Review: Sacrifice by Jessica Fortunato

Book Review

Sin collector Trilogy: Book 2 Sacrifice by Jessica Fortunato

Finally the christmas holidays gave me some extra time to read and review novels again. I was looking forward to reading the sequel to Sin Collector by Jessica Fortunato three months ago, stored but not forgotten in my Aldiko reader shelf, but was always off due to other businesses. One great way to end this year is with a book review to this story.

The best moments in reading are, when you come across something.. a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things..that you’d thought special – particular to you. And here it is, set down by someone else, a person you’ve never met. And it’s as if a hand has come out and taken yours to a world of magic. – the history boys

As book 1, I was evenly mesmerized by the second book where you get to know more about other sin collector friends of Olexander former mentor and now in a deep relationship with Liliana. A common enemy the castus and one woman Ariadne who always seems to be one step ahead of all others. Lilianas now growing family, her mortality phase, new telekinetic powers, secrets about a family history, marriage party and an unforeseeable prophecy to come true, would this mean the end of the world as we know of?? Such questions might revolve within your mind, while the story unfolds its mystery and packed action in front of you during Lilianas fight for her beloved family that is worth fighting for. In my point of view this was a five star book written by a five star novelist. I am eager for the third book and patiently await its arrival.


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